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Fear Is A Lair

My fears?

  1. People leaving because it’s happened so much

  2. Not having my storm end

  3. Not being enough for business, relationships, social media platform, extra

  4. Divorce is my fear because I’ve come from a background of it

Our fears are fake scenarios, or it’s real life but we think of something worse in the real life storm, test, or some scary thing that’s going on and we over think. Now I’ve had people tell me I over think way too much, I admit I do, anyone else?

But mostly fear is our mental state of responding to either a real life state or a fake scenario.

Let’s say ok loosing your job or getting cut hours(I got cut my hours), your financial situation is scary which is a real life scenario

Now a fake scenario, the next day your meeting for a job interview(I know I’m doing a job but it’s the only thing that I can think of in the moment) and your thinking negative thoughts, like am I even cut out for this job?, I don’t have the experience, I can’t talk like this person. That’s fear in a fake scenario your thinking and that’s mental fear.

So now that we talked about two types of fear, the question is how do we overcome the fear?

Well let’s look at this verse

“Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

So if Love has no fear, why are we still afraid?, we’ll it’s our mentality, Love is action, yes it’s mental, physical and even emotional, but fear can be all that to, we can have physical effects like anxiety and we can get sick if you push it that far, emotional we can feel fear and mental we tell ourselves things in our head.

But it says fear is punishment, so if you think about it Love is not punishment, we punish ourselves because it’s a reaction that we either one have faced already, two we’ve seen it happen to others or three we feel we’re meant for it to happen because we’ve done something or we’ve been through something.

But yes we’ve sinned and we all deserved some sort of punishment, but God isn’t like that, yes he disciplines us because he’s teaching us like our parents to either not do something again because it will hurt us or others or he’s trying to tell us not to go down that path again for some reason and that’s for you to talk to God about, but Jesus already took the punishment of death for us because he loves us enough to have eternal life. So our fears even if they seem a reality are a liar and the devil is trying to punish us because he wants to seek, kill and destroy us all to bow down to him and we all know that’s a scary path to go down.

But how do we get rid of the fear?,

Well your never going to fully get rid of it but you can stop it when it starts surfacing up.


Well there’s ways to help sustain it and to help bring it to the light:

  1. Before overthinking you need to pray, I know you’ve herd this so many times but this should be your first to go to is God, not someone else, not your crazy mind because your mind is wrong but God is truth. Pray about your job, the interview, the relationship, the business, the finances, extra, you need to pray because God is your helper, he knows you can’t do this alone, why do you think he put you here?, so he can love you, you can come in relationship with him and in a relationship people help each other, so you can go out and share his love, so go to him. Ask friends to pray with you, prayer warriors are the best because when you don’t know what to pray, and your friend is stronger than you, you can call them up and they will pray with you.

  2. Read truth, you need the truth in you, the devil will tell you lies, that little voice in your head that’s saying negative, fear, whatever bad in your head is the devil speaking but disguises it in your voice in your head, so if that festers up, read truth, you can look up verses on Pinterest for specific verses like fear verses, strength verses, love verses whatever you need to read, do the Bible plan and re read the one you read that morning again, just put truth in your mind

  3. Speaking the truth, listen to worship, Fear Is A Liar by Zach Williams is such a good song, Fear No More by Building 429, and so much more, make a playlist on Spotify of worship songs and when you feel Fear fester listen to it.

  4. Listen to podcast on it. Whoa that’s good podcast is great by Sadie Huff, We’re Going There by Bianca Olthoff, the Living Easy podcast by Lindsey Maestas, and so much more. Listen to truth throughout the day or listen to sermons and get truth because whatever your ears hear you start living, so put positive thoughts and truth into your ears.

  5. Take deep breaths and know God is for you not against you, even if it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to go, know God has something better for you and he’s leading you in his timing not yours(I have a blog post on my main page about God in the waiting so go check that out as well). 6. read books of truth, like ‘Live Fearless’ by Sadie Rob Huff, or ‘Hinds feet on High Places’ by Hannah Hurnard I love this one my grandma Gave me this and opened my eyes to a new level, and so much more.

So those are my tips to help Fear and you don’t have to do it alone, ask for wise counsel like a parent or family member, Pastor, leader, friend whatever and if you need some truth go to them and God. But pick wisely who you go to , make sure there of Christ and have wisdom, discernment and the truth of Gods word not just what you wanna hear but what you need to hear.

And know Fear is a liar, love does not punish but fear does and love God is, punishment is Satan, satan wants to make you think your not enough, worthy, skinny or tall enough, he wants you to fail and not get back up again, he wants you to suffer in the mind, but God loves you enough to not leave you where your at, if you fail he wants you to get right back up and go again with him, he wants you to know you are his child and he loves you, you are created in his image not the worlds, you are enough in his eyes because he had his son die for you.

Fear ain’t got no hold on none of us anymore.

Because your God and my God is faithful, and a loving father.

Anxiety is done because that’s fear of the future, didn’t God say he has a plan and a future for you? Yes he did in

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭NLT

Depression is in the past, I believe God said he doesn’t remember your past sins or mess ups, he wipes them clean

“Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭51:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And if you feel like your alone, your not because God is walking beside you and he is holding you in his hands and he tells you not to fear in

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We can keep going on and on but I think you get the picture, you need truth in you, and I do as well, my biggest down fall is overthinking(even had people tell me this) I’m still working on it and that’s ok if you are to we’re all still a work in progress God never stops working on us because we will never be perfect.

So don’t beat yourself up because basically you would be punishing yourself, but go to God and give yourself grace and listen to his truth. And I believe in the Bible it says ‘do not fear’ or die not be afraid’ 365 times so that’s 365 days in one year you can read one of those verses every day to remind you to not fear.

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