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God's Positive Reinforcement

Your defines “Positive Reinforcement” as giving something to a subject when they perform the desired action so they associate the action with the reward and do it more often.”

For this article, I decided I wanted to tell you a little bit about two jobs that I’ve worked in my life, that I’ve experienced positive reinforcement.

During my senior year of high school, and my first year of college, I worked in a fairly small office setting as a file clerk, as well as an office assistant. The size of the office, five of us in total, made for some really good staff parties. For example, whenever it was someone’s birthday, we ordered food for lunch, or just went out. Our boss also would take us out during the holidays too. However, my first Christmas working there, we had a holiday party on Christmas Eve. Being my first Christmas there, I made sure to buy gifts for everyone in the office. However, I was not expecting anything back. I just thought it would be nice to give back to the office where I had my very first job. To my surprise, I received more than expected. I received my first Christmas Bonus-a check for $75.00. Even though it might not seem like much, it meant a lot to me. I was very grateful for that, as I had spent a lot of money on college application fees, as well as other expenses that year. By the summer after my freshman year of college, I received another job. I would be a cashier at a large retail store. I was at the office in the morning and I worked at the store at night. There were some days where I would be in the office from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. and then be at Lowe’s from 3 p.m.-10 p.m.. It was crazy.

One of the things I quickly noticed was a lot of differences. First, it was a bigger corporation. Also, there were no more fancy meals. It was a good day if cupcakes were in the break room, but it wasn’t often. There’s also a vending machine in the break room with frozen sandwiches and hot pockets. It was not like the meal that I would eat at the office to say the least. Also, at first, I didn’t receive the thank you’s that I received at the office. There were days where I just wanted to go home, because I didn’t think I was appreciated. I didn’t get that positive reinforcement there, physically or verbally..well at first. By the end of that summer, I was called into one of the manager’s offices. I had thought I had done something wrong. To my surprise, the manager was writing a report to corporate about me. He told me that I was a great associate and was one that they wanted to keep around. Hearing that warmed my heart. This manager gave me that positive reinforcement and basically told me I was allowed to come back next summer. It was hard because I always thought I was making mistakes there. However, I owned up to them. Even if I made the smallest mistake, I would let someone know. I still remember that first Memorial Day I worked there. The managers bought lunch for us and thanked us for coming in, as that is probably the busiest weekend for us. It was nice, but I would still fantasize about the amazing meals I would receive at the office. When the following summer hit, I was no longer at the office. I was just at the store. I mainly worked nights and still remembered then buying us food on Memorial Day, but missed the going out to eat aspect and always getting rewards for a job well done. By this past summer, I had gotten some positive reinforcement from a few of my coworkers. For example, my coworker who started alongside me two years ago (at the time) had bought me a bracelet.

On my very last day, I received a tray of brownies, a coffee from Dunkin’ and two cards that made me cry, from two of my other coworkers and friends. Also on my very last day last summer, one of the assistant store managers came up to me and gave me a hug and told me that I am always welcome there and that if I ever want a break in my career, their door is always open.

Don’t get me wrong, I probably shouldn’t have wanted more when I got to the store. I knew that it was going to be different and that I just had to accept it.

Now, the fact of the matter is this. There’s better reinforcement out there than just a 75.00 dollar bonus check. There’s what God has in store for us. We talk about this in my bible study at college a lot. I remember one time last year, we were talking about things we have to do to get to heaven, to get that positive reinforcement from God. We had to accept our lord and savior and live by his way and teachings every second of every day. I remember thinking “can that be it?” Is that all??” It’s like when we were kids. I remember countless nights asking for dessert but couldn’t have any until I finished my broccoli. I remember countless nights just crying and carrying on too. After a while I finally had my cookies. This also relates. God is like the cookies we get after we’ve lived our lives like he would want.

Remember that story in the Bible where God praised that widow for giving away her last few pennies? She got that “Positive Reinforcement” from God. We get positive reinforcement from him all of the time.

How about that story from Mark 6. when Jesus fed thousands of people with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Philip, a disciple had doubted Jesus when he told him to gather the people that followed to make sure they were fed. Eventually, once Philip honored Jesus’s request through faith, Philip saw there was enough food to feed everyone. In this case, Jesus used positive reinforcement by feeding these people even though it didn’t seem possible. Jesus rewarded Philip’s faith and trust in him by showing him there was enough food to feed everyone.

He always listens to us, he cares for us, loves for us and does whatever he can to help us. He even promises eternal life. God rewards those that obey him. He also provides protection, countless blessings, intimacy and so many other things.

Thankfully we have God who is positive reinforcement for all of us everyday, which is free and doesn’t cost money. We just have to look towards him. Also, we thank him. We thank him for the small things and the big things. We also don’t have set times when we have to get things done, or any other hard deadlines.

All we have to do is accept him as our lord and savior, and we will get that positive reinforcement, which is called everlasting or eternal life. I don’t know about all of you, but that seems like much better reinforcement than a 75.00 bonus check.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

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