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Health Gods way

Hey it’s Courtney again, now if you follow me on social or you know me personally, then you know I’m a fitness junkie. 

Yes I am actually going to school for physical fitness training, I love anything fitness. 

Now before graduating high school no, I would try for a week or two then stop. (Now if you’re struggling with that then this post is for you, or if you’ve wanted to start but don’t know where this post is for you as well). 

If you also know me personally or read a post on my Instagram then you know I’ve been through trauma in my life. I was overweight binge eating then I stopped eating, I was not confident at all in myself or even God, I was insecure, I never felt strong, if that’s you your not alone because I was like that. 

But then, I knew something had to be done, my mom she was already working out and loosing weight and just killing it and confident, I wanted that, so I took up workout videos but got board easily with mine so I looked on YouTube and found kick boxing, HIIT(high, intensity interval training(not as scary as it sounds), Pilates, weight training, dancing extra and I loved it. 

But I knew I had to put God in it, in order for me to stick to it. Let me say it again “you have to put God in it, in order to stick to it” that goes for everything in life not just fitness but everything. 

I prayed when times got tough, I asked God how long of runs he wanted me to go on, my first encounter of Gods voice was on a treadmill(I know right running), I was giving out, I was about to slow down when I herd “go” just simple “go” and I knew it wasn’t mine because I was like “I want to slow down” in my head. But then this burst of energy came and I herd “faster go”, so I ran for another mile while tears were coming in my eyes, or maybe sweat but still. 

You can put scripture in yoga, I know some people say that’s wrong you worshipping to other gods, no use it as elongating your muscles and stretching them out and pray, say scripture in your head or even out loud if your alone or put on worship music. 

You know worship music can be fun, there’s rappers like Steven malcom, Maddie Ray, social club misfits, pop like Toby Mac, Jordan Feliz, country like Crowder(but he’s a mix of pop as well), and so much more so you can jam out to those as well during your workout. 

Now the most important thing I want to say “no comparison is aloud to join”, I pray you get that someone’s few years journey can look different from someone’s starting point. So no comparing, there’s times I even have to do modifications yes and I’ve been doing it for over three years. 

Also I can’t stand it, just can’t stand it how people talk about diets, weather diet pills(No!!!), diets in general(NOoooooo!!), all it is, listen to me “eat your fruits, greens and colorful veggies, lean protein(red meat only once or twice a week), good carbs(sweet potatoes, brown rice, nuts with no salt, extra, good fats (avocados, olive oils, extra), whole grains (wheat, gluten free)” that’s it, and if you want a treat, then have them every once in a blue moon, by that I mean not every week or every night, but once or three times  a month, then it can go to just once every three months. Don’t beat yourself up, but live your life have the glass of wine but don’t over do it, have the cookie but one to satisfy that craving. Eat what blesses your body. 

If you look in Jesus day they ate natural and no processed foods, now I admit I have a few handfuls of animal crackers like every day but it’s about the portions, don’t over due the portions, and find gluten free, you can find foods that have seas salt or Himalayan salt(and replace that with table salt), look in the back and look at the ingredients if it’s more than 5 put it away, or if you can’t say it or understand it put it away. 

But all in all just eat a healthy balanced diet, no pill will help you after you get off of it what happens? You gain it all back, and don’t you dare yo-yo diet, oh my gosh don’t do this because after that you will gain the weight back and then you go on another diet, girl no. 

Don’t go looking on Instagram to those fitness people who have a six pack in a number of months, but really watch it and see who the true ones are, I follow Cassey Ho she keeps it real and shows what she eats and does amazing workout challenges and workouts, Love Sweat Fitness Katy Dunlop is another amazing one she shows what she eats, great tips, short workouts or HIIT workouts, morning and night routines, Jeanette Jenkins she plays no games kickboxing, cardio, weights, does a kick butt workouts also she is a certified celebrity trainer has workout dvds, app called the Hollywood trainers club, Christa Dipaolo kickboxing, weights, she works you also but there so much fun and feel it the next day, she’s also certified based in Florida she has an app also, Jillian Michaels she’s kick butt as well and has tips on her Instagram and YouTube page on how to really eat and fitness tips and she has also a app and workout dvds. So watch who you follow and see who the true fitness people are because people can tell you take this diet pill, don’t eat carbs, I had a six pack in this many weeks. And if the images affect you then delete them because if they don’t have a positive affect then it’s so unhealthy, so be careful what you see and who you listen to. 

Lastly don’t go for an image in your head, why? Because my image never happened still and it most likely won’t and that’s ok. Love your body, I mean be thankful for breath, to move, to do Gods works, to be thankful for health, to be thankful for it that’s what loving your body means, is thanking God that he can help you take care of it. 

“Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:22-23‬ ‭NIV‬‬

It’s progress over perfection, don’t look for perfection but it’s progress, basically showing up and doing your best. 

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:19-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Your body is a temple, you have to keep it healthy on the inside and outside and that means taking care of it physically, emotionally and mentally and physical fitness is all of that. My mental and emotional health have never been so much better than it has these three years. That’s the power of eating right and being physically active for 30 minutes weather walking, running, dancing, boxing have fun with it, it’s not suppose to be a chore. 

So I made a workout and I will post it sometime this week on the encouraging women’s YouTube page it’s a mixer of pop and Christian, yes I listen to pop music as long as it doesn’t have anything bad I believe it is fine. So it’s going to have a warm up, 12 minute cardio sesh, the last 10 on the floor exercises, then we finish with a cool down. So I should have that up by next week for you guys. And if any request on a song, workouts you can comment below or message me or the encouraging women’s page  I would love to create them.

Do fitness Gods way. You can’t do it without him. 

And if you ever have any questions or want to talk more on this topic I would love to connect through Instagram my main account @courtney_ann1998 or my blog page @lifewithjesus_andcoffeechats. 

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