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How God's Purpose Found Me

I’ve never been good at art. I didn’t even take art in high school because of how bad I am at it. I consider myself to be as talented as a preschooler when it comes to art (okay, maybe a little bit less talented). I can barely draw stick figures and when I do, I always find something wrong with them. I would always say to myself “the guy’s head is too big,” or “the girl’s nose is too small.” So yeah, even though I have a lot of respect for artists and enjoy going to an art museum every once in a while, I don’t have that talent. To be honest, I never did.

I’ve never been good at sports. I’ve tried just about every single sport, all the way from gymnastics to softball. Let’s just say in softball, I never ran as fast as the other girls on my team. For the whole two weeks I was in gymnastics, I was no Laurie Hernandez. I could barely do a summer salt and last time I checked, just by doing a summer salt will not get you into the Olympics. The only thing I considered myself “decent” in, was the pencil roll. I could do that, as I learned how to do a regular roll in pre-school, when they were teaching us fire safety.

I’ve never been good at being neat. I’m not talking about a bedroom or any other room for that matter, as I consider myself to be okay with that. I’m talking about in grade school, with desks and lockers. It seemed that just about everyday in 6th grade, my locker was jammed. Once the nice janitor would open it for me, it seemed like everything just fell to the floor. Somehow, I still got decent grades and never really forgot to do assignments.

However, I think one thing that I do have to give myself credit for, is writing. That is probably one of the only things that I can say that I’ve always been good at. In school, English was always my best subject. In fact, when I was a senior in high school, I had finally made it into honors English, which still to this day, is one of my biggest accomplishments. Even though I’ve accomplished a lot with my writing in the past few years, I still haven’t accomplished my biggest dream. That is to write a novel and see it on the shelves of a store like Barnes and Noble. That.. that is just in-explainable. If I could do that, I know I would hit a peak in my career. That would be a turning point for me, in my career, as well as in my life.

I strongly believe that being a writer has been part of God’s plan for me all along. I tried to pursue other things, and every time it was almost like I was pushed back to writing. I had struggled finding my purpose, and I thoroughly believe writing is what God is leading me to do. I mean, I did just graduate with a master’s in journalism!

Finding your purpose in life is tricky, and sometimes it’s not always obvious. It’s not something I recognized until I got to college, and it might take some people longer to find, and it might be quicker for others. One other important thing to remember is that God has a plan for all of us. He wouldn’t steer us wrong because he loves us, and wants the best for us. The most important thing is to trust God’s plan for you, and to always remember, that everything happens for a reason.

The scripture says that after Moses died, God chose Joshua to lead Israel. God told Joshua to lead by what Moses had written. After following that command, Joshua became a great leader and accomplished God’s purpose for him. In the same way for us, we find God’s purpose for us by following the truth he has exclaimed in his word. Finding your purpose begins by doing just this.

In my case, I didn’t find my purpose. My purpose found me.

“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me," Psalm 57:2


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