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New Beginning

So I posted something on Instagram last week you can check it out here:

And it’s about the words I’ve been seeing, and hearing, you can say it’s my words of the year instead of just one word it’s two, powerful,scary,uncomfortable, thrilling,dreaming,exciting words of New Beginning.

I can’t put my finger of when I started seeing or hearing, it just happens and I believe that’s how God does things or brings gifts to you, is he does it unexpectedly, God is full of surprises.

But what does it means is :

Fresh starts, something new, freeing yourself from failure, from the past, from the hold backs, it’s all new future.

I believe I’m getting already a fresh, new start.

I finally have Godly, vulnerable where I can finally express myself instead of hiding for years of who I am, loved, kind, not being something I’m not just to fit in friends.

I have a business which I never thought I would ever do

I’m writing again which I shoved in a box until I had a friend unbox my gift and told me to get out of my comfort zone and I did and now I’m writing again

I have another project which I can’t say yet.

But my new beginning has already started but it’s not done yet.

I don’t know where my life will go but I know Gods guiding me in the right direction.

So where ever I go I know it’s going to be scary,uncomfortable, exciting, life living.

I remember a year ago my grandma asked me what I wanted with my life.

But I couldn’t answer, I was in a depression, I was irritated, and I didn’t know what I wanted because I was a people pleaser.

Even for my family I was and I got angry at people piggy backing me and just wondering what my life could be and there’s times I still wonder.

But I told her maybe friends, maybe this or that and she said “I’m praying this now Courtney, what do you want?”

And I couldn’t answer.

But now I can answer that, I want to travel, I want my business to be growing, I want financial freedom, I want to love my job where I barely need a vacation from, I want to write a book and see it in Barnes and nobles(I know scary), live in a warmer climate.

I figured out myself and what I finally wanted for once.

So wherever this new beginning takes me I know it’s a promise and it’s a promise no one can break because it’s Gods promise.

““But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

So whatever your word is or maybe words or maybe you don’t have one yet just know God is leading you in the direction he wants to take you.

I know for me my doors haven’t opened all the way and it’s frustrating because I’m doing things that no one sees or knows and I’m like “God don’t you see I’m not being lazy in this season or in my time?, I’m doing what I should be”

And he does but he’s waiting on his timing and I believe there’s something far greater than what I can see that he has planned, I just don’t know it yet and I may not know until his timing and that’s ok.

But I don’t know what he has planned but I do know it’s a good word, a good promise and I have to hold onto it.

Hope this encourages you, haven’t told a lot of people my words that I’ve herd or seen until last week into this so here it is.

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