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Purpose, the word seems intimidating. 

The world or even in the ministry it seems like it’s suppose to be big, like a big career, or going around the world, or suddenly everyone knows you either on social media, t.v., songs, sermons, podcast, blogs. 

But I don’t believe that’s true. But also these people don’t start out big, they were just regulars like us. 

Now I admit I was struggling with my purpose. I never knew what it was, or what it truly meant to live a life of purpose. 

I kept telling  my grandma that I didn’t know my purpose, I feel like I’m not living, I feel I’m just dragging my feet going day in, day out of just being here on this earth. Now I’m going through a storm here and still am, but that’s a different story for later. So I knew there’s purpose in the storm and suiting me up for when I get out of it but I just never knew that I can still do my purpose in the storm. 

I told my friend of this and she sent me a sermon by Christine Caine of gifting and anointing, wow big perspective shift. While I was listening to this I remember a picture I drew when God showed me butterflies one summer of different colors monarch, yellow monarch, blue monarch butterflies and they have different meanings but the main was that God is here(and still see them to this day). I drew a girl with butterflies on her head but I colored the background and butterflies but not the girl, i saw that the girl is in the dark room getting anointed and the girl is me. 

I showed this to my friend and wrote something about it, she said I should post it on social and I did. 

(It’s deleted now 😐) 

But after that I wrote something a week or two later i wrote about the woods, which I haven’t posted yet so you can’t find it yet. I was listening to Taylor Swift song Out Of the Woods and I thought, I’ve been in the woods for so long in and out of storms my whole life. So I wrote about it. I sent it to the exact same friend and she messaged me back saying she was crying because of what I wrote and said "have you thought of starting a blog?" 

Now I quit writing my junior year of high school. 

I started when I was 15 on Wattpad  (love that app for people who want to write books on there phone and read for free go check it out and you can publish on there also for free, and you can also hopefully get published by real publishers on there but that's if your book is super popular and you have a lot of promotions to get it to a high read level) and wrote my first book which is deleted because it sucked(your first one always does), and I wrote another which I still have but it’s in a draft. But after that I stopped for the longest time. I didn't write since. 

So when my friend said a blog I laughed and said no. 

She was serious, I have never wrote blogs only books and haven’t even done that in a while. 

But I asked God if this is what I should do, I started looking up platforms and thought maybe I could do this. 

I was reading Live by Sadie Rob Huff and in one chapter it says would you pay for what makes your heart sing? 

And that is what I sorta missed was writing, it is my safe place, I feel I can get things out, I can express my creative process. 

So I looked and I found my platform and started writing, I made a new Instagram account for that page and posted on my main page. Now I don’t have a very big follow count on my main so I got a few followers on my blog account and growing slowly. 

I am growing little by little but now that I’m writing more. I know it’s for a purpose. Then I started writing on here when it’s my week and it’s grown me with some other girls who are writers and it’s amazing. 

I’m starting to write another book on Wattpad and I haven't had this much of a vision for a book really ever, it’s like a movie in my head and I’m eager to have time to write. I haven’t had this much vision ever so I guess this year 2020 is a year for vision even when this pandemic is happening. 

My purpose is writing, I love it, and I don’t want to stop any time soon, I’m glad my friend pushed me again to write and lead me in the direction I needed to go even if it’s just a few readers, knowing I can make an impact on them means everything and I’ve had a few people message me saying they love my writing on a certain post or blog post saying I made an impact on them. I pray it goes further than I can image but for now I will write whatever God tells me and what my heart and vision is. 

Now your purpose can be small at first, it usually starts that way, working with the baby’s in the nursery at church using your gifts, singing in a small cafe or on YouTube, teaching a small class, helping a elder or women at the super market, sharing the gospel online, writing a blog to only less than 100 reads, helping your family in hard times. 

All those things will grow you to a bigger purpose, now I don’t know what it will be maybe publish a book, make money blogging, still do my passion for physical fitness, I don’t know but I will keep doing what I’m doing now. 

Your purpose could be writing, teaching, helping, singing, working with your hands, building, sewing, extra but just know it’s not some big thing always, it usually starts small and grows over time. 

If mission was it we’ll start around you in your town or the town next to you, God wants to see what you can do there before sending you to a different state or country. 

Teach the gospel at school, work, home, to kids before you become a pastor for the church or children’s ministry. 

Sing in the church, YouTube, to kids, to friends, to coffee shops before making it to more bigger platforms. 

Write on a blog with just 50 reads or less and become a better writer and better content with pictures  and see how God grows it to 1,000 reads and social media follows. 

Draw the pictures in your room and post them to only a few people, watch it grow to becoming an artist. 

Dance with Jesus on stage and watch it grow into a studio, teaching dancers, or even bigger on a stage with thousands. 

Do the podcast, YouTube channel, IGTV and with small views will turn into thousands. 

Purpose sometimes can come at you in a shock, God can change your path to singing to teaching in a church. 

Or he uses our passions like writing, singing, dancing. 

But normally both will come out and will be our passions. 

In Live by Sadie someone told her she is anointed with a dance party and the girl was right Sadie can get everyone to dance even if it’s awkward at first, it will be uncomfortable at first but once you get started and once little by little someone, then more people and a whole bunch join in on your journey and want more it turns into something amazing and nobody can stop Gods work. 

So don’t beat yourself up for purpose being something huge, it starts small first and grows over time. 

So do your passions even if you have to pay a little at first, it will grow into something great. 

And if God leads you in a different way then follow his lead, just lean into him and he will lead your path straight. 

So your purpose can be what your doing right now, serving, teaching, helping, guiding, writing, singing, dancing, using your talents for God that’s purpose. 

But to have the anointing you need to be in the dark room first before anything, that’s where God builds us and shapes you into his purpose. 

You have purpose right now but just don’t worry so much but lean into God and ask what is your purpose for me in this season. To learn and create more character for something bigger after this season, to get to work on the business, to write the book or the blog, to start the podcast, to sing, to dance, extra do what makes your heart sing in the mean time. 

But our main purpose everyone’s purpose is to share the gospel and lead people to Jesus that is our main purpose every single day and I think that’s the biggest purpose of all time and an honor to be disciples of Jesus. 

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” ‭‭Esther‬ ‭4:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4:10-11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ You have a purpose, God made you for a reason so you have purpose and the main one is to serve his people and lead them to the Jesus, so use what God has given you and lead his people to him. That is your main purpose, not a career path but a Jesus journey. You have purpose no matter how small it seems now or you don’t see it at all, just let him lead you in this season and he will guide your path.  God has a purpose for you and he loves you enough to create you and lead you for just a time as this. 

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