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  • encouragingwomen20


The new year began and I reflected on the past year. It was a rough year for sure, and I knew that something needed to change. But rather than make the usual list of resolutions that always seem to be forgotten by February; I asked myself a question.

What do I want for this year?

To be quite honest, when I think about this question I could think of a multitude of things that I want for this year, but the answer that stood out to be the most was... restoration.

Restoration means to bring back, return, and recover, put back in order, and adjust back together. And after a year full of brokenness, fear, and hurt, what I think we all need the most is restoration.

And when God restores He doesn’t take you back to where you were before the brokenness, but rather He leaves you better than you were before! He takes all that pain, and brokenness and puts your life back in order.

2020 was a mess, and for a lot of people it stripped them of what hope and joy they had. So my prayer for 2021 is that God would restore that hope & joy. This life will never be easy, and i’m sure that 2021 will have its fair share of difficulties, but this year instead of focusing on the bad stuff lets keep our eyes on and lean on Jesus!! He can help anyone who comes to Him humbly and hungry to be restored!

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